Wednesday, September 11, 2024

love you forever

 I have been scrapping....just not posting anything here.  

With that said I'd like to share with you my page I made for Challenge YOUrself.  Photos of my family taken on Mother's Day.

Saturday, July 27, 2024


My grandson (son's son) with dd and her boyfriend.

I used the July sketch from Rochelle Spears sketch blog 

and Scrap with Stacy Tic Tac Toe challenge

I went across the top:  tag, stars and layered embellishments.

Saturday, July 6, 2024



Challenges used:

Sketch from Stick it Down

Freedom Blue challenge from Cookin' up Creations
Our challenge today is to use predominately Blue on your layout, but you can add other colors as well. Also I'd like to see some Paper Strips + Wordy Phrases

Friday, June 28, 2024


My 80+ aunt and I when I visited her last March.

I used these challenges:

White with 1 color.  June is blue and stencils and ink

My challenge is for you to matt your photos, add some flowers (since the bees are drawn to flowers and pollinates them) Also use the word Sweet anywhere in your title.

Baby Boy


I used this page for 2 challenges.

Cookin Up' Creations  What's The Buzz
B Baby, boy, books
U us, under (paper under photos)
Z Zag as in zig zag paper
Z Zoo (Dinosaur book)

Stick it Down Single page

Happy Birthday


Cookin' Up Creations  June 17 with sketch from Sketches in Thyme

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Solar Eclipse

My husband and I had a great time watching the Solar Eclipse from our back yard.   Here are the pages I made from the photos I took.

I used the challenge from Challenge YOUrself 

My second page is for my challenge at Cookin' Up Challenges.  My challenge is to use only cardstock, clusters since the bees travel together in a swarm and boxes since many people make a box for bees to live in.
For my page I used a dark gray cardstock for my background and then shades of  gray for my "boxes" on my background.

A bee swarm is not dangerous! Honey bees sting in defense of their hive; when they are swarming, they are looking for a new home, not defending one they already have. They are focused on moving to their new location, and are unlikely to be distracted by passerby.

Additionally, before honey bees depart their natal hive, swarms overload on honey and nectar to provide them enough fuel to last them on their journey of finding a new home. This food also helps them to produce wax to begin building the new comb. Now, think back to the last time you ate a big meal. Did you enter a ‘food coma,’ meaning you were in a state of Zen after you finished eating? Just like the human body, bees tend to reduce their activity when swarming. 

“Bee box” is a commonly used term for the physical structure that houses a bee colony. A “colony” is a collective organism made up of a single bee family, consisting of one queen, drones and thousands of worker honeybees, while a “beehive” is the structure that houses them.

In the wild, many native bee species create their own homes, known as nests. Honeybees that are tended by humans are housed in manmade structures called beehives. The technical term used by beekeepers and bee scientists for what laymen call a “beehive” is a “hive body”.