Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Journal Notebook

Here I used a small notebook that holds a pad of paper inside. I recycled stickers that I used to put inside my son's books that said: This belongs to.

  • I cut out the part of the sticker that had my son's name on it.
  • Then I lined them up across the top and near the bottom of the notebook.
  • I used the top of the stickers and the bottom of the stickers and put them near each other to look like one sticker.

This project is part of the September Monthly Challenge on Practical Scrappers.

You said what?

Here is my daughter inside the Covered Bridge at the Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, Vermont. October 2009
I used fabric behind my picture and lots of paper scraps to add some detail around the picture.
I entered the page into the fabris Challenge at Scrapbook Challenges.

American Idol

My daughter and I went to see the American Idol concert with the top 10 singers in 2009. It was a great concert! Here is my daughter, wearing her new American Idol t-shirt, at the concert.

This page was created based on the Scrapbook Challenge #217.


Here my kids play on the swings in the garden next to the shoolhouse at the Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, Vermont. Also my daughter sitting inside the schoolhouse. We visited the museum in October 2009.

This page was created based on Sketch 218 from Scrapbook Challenges.

I also used cardboard from several different products that I had. Some was printed with the pink dots. It was a way for me to "Go Green" by recycling some of my packaging from my scrapbook supplies. This page will also be entered into ScrapFit for Workout # 28.

help, let us out

These photos were taken at the jail at the Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, Vermont. We visited there in October 2009.

This LO was created based on the September 24th Sketch Friday from Practical Scrappers.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


These photos are from our Shleburn Museum trip also. There was a featured display of motorcycles in the main barn. These are just a few of the bikes we saw.

This LO was inspired by the September 15th sketch from Stuck?!

Beach Lodge at Shelburne Museum, VT

These photos were taken at Shelbunre Museum in Vermont. We went there in October of 2009. This building was filled with animals that had been shot and then stuffed. It was like a hunting lodge

This LO was created based on the Sept 19 Sketch Friday from Practical Scrappers.

College Friends Gather

When I got together with my college friends our kids swam. The adults shared lots of stories! This LO is based on Sept 10th Friday Sketch at Practical Scrappers.

Locks of Love

Here is Krista getting her 10 inches of hair cut off. She so wanted to donate it to Locks of Love.

This LO was was based on the Sept 1st sketch from Stuck

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ha Ha

In this LO my daughter swims and rests while visiting with kids of my college friends. I used Sketch #216 from Scrapbok Challenges for the LO.


This week the challenge at Practical Scrappers is buttons. I used one of my scrapbooking magazines for inspirtaion for the design of this LO and added buttons for dimension. These photos are from our visit to the County Fair last summer.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Thsi card was also created from scraps. I did use the sketch from Practical Scrappers.

Using scraps

I used my scraps from a LO to create this card.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Scrapbook Challenges Blog Hop

Here is a fun way to see what other scrappers are doing, create a LO from a sketch, do a blog hop, and win prizes. Check out Scrapbook Challenges.

Here is the stetch by Pamela:

Here is the LO I created based on the sketch:

If you'd like to participate in the Blog Hop go to Pamela's blog to start.

To see the sketch and particpate in the challenge click here.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


This Lo was created using the ScrapFIT Workout #27.

It was so easy to put together. By using a paper kti I was able to easily put together coordinating circles for this LO.

Upper Canada Village

This 1860s village is in Morrisburg, Ont, Canada. It is such fun to visit and see the buildings and talk witht he people who"live" there. We went there last summer when my sister was here from Colorado. What fun we had!

This LO was created using the sketch from Practical Scrappers from August 27th.